Clear comms for split second decisions

Born in the pit lanes of Formula 1 and IndyCar, IRIS Clarity has been designed to help motor sports team find those marginal gains in their race communications
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IndyCar Race Comms



Giving your team the edge

Forged in the flames of Formula 1 and IndyCar pit lanes, IRIS Clarity’s noise cancellation AI has been tested on tens of thousands of hours of audio. The end result - clear comms even in the harshest environments.

Whether it’s the sound of a 1000bhp engine or a roaring crowd, IRIS will leave only the sound of your voice - and it can be integrated with your audio equipment.

Talk to our team

How IndyCar utilised IRIS Clarity in their broadcasts

Find out how IRIS Clarity, IndyCar and Dante worked alongside each other to pass all audio from individual race car setups through IRIS Clarity - removing all 130 decibels of noise produced by the average IndyCar - leaving only the drivers’ real-time insights behind.

Listen to the power of IRIS Clarity

Our AI cancels all background noise - leaving only clear communcations
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  • Specialist

Dante Integration

We have built a Dante network plugin, enabling IRIS Clarity to be applied to any Dante network input/output at the click of a button. This has been particularly well used in motorsports settings, where radio communications can have dozens of audio channels cleaned up and enhanced in real time.

Ready to bring clear audio to your comms?

Fill out your details and a member of our specialist use team will be in touch to discuss how our noise cancellation app can help you.