CX Trends 2024 | Dave D'arcy - BPOs in new locations

Published byIRIS Team

In this episode of our CX24 Series on the IRIS Pod, Tom Darnell and Dave D’Arcy discuss the future of BPOs and call centres in less traditional locations. D’Arcy gives an insight into the benefits of fostering growth and talent away from major cities.

New horizons: Dave explains the growing movement of BPOs away from South Africa, the benefits and shortcomings of capital cities for BPOs, as well as the rationale for growing a business away from major cities.

Dialect difficulties - Tom and Dave discuss whether AI manipulation of accents should be admired or avoided.

Deep Fakes: Are deep fakes symptomatic of a wider problem with technology and AI - and does it deter from the positives?

Global mobility: Dave touches on the future of BPO development in Africa and how preconceptions surrounding infrastructure have resulted in missed opportunities in the past .

Fostering talent and nurturing growth: Dave explains how QSolve seeks to coach their agents and assist them in their personal and professional trajectories.

What can we expect from QSolve in 2024? Dave gives Tom an insight into the company’s growth plan for this year, as well as its plan for encouraging a collaborative culture

Predictions: Dave finishes with his quick fire forecasts for 2024 and a warning about how we see AI and its development…

Listen to the full podcast to hear all of Dave’s fascinating insights and anecdotes: Youtube, Spotify, Apple Podcasts.

And make sure you watch this space for the next podcast in our CX trend series!

Published byIRIS Team

6 Feb '24