I in IRIS - Matt

13 Feb '25

How would you describe your role at IRIS?

My role at IRIS can sometimes be quite broad, I primarily design our products but I am also involved in the marketing, planning and branding. We have also grown our product range significantly since I’ve joined so now I work across multiple different products, and as the only designer that can often be a fun challenge. My day-to-day is pretty unstructured I must say, but I think the best creative work comes from the freedom to explore and try new things, which IRIS is great at supporting. I’ve only been here for 1.5 years but it feels like the best fit company I have ever worked at, so hopefully I’ll be able to continue here and design many more products for all our customers.

IRIS is built on collaboration and innovation. How do you bring your own flair or unique perspective to the team?

At university you are encouraged to push the boundaries and really question why things aren’t possible, and I don’t think I have ever lost that drive. This can be frustrating for my team, but it always pushes us to come up with creative solutions and realise we can complete projects faster if we change certain ways of approaching a problem.

You’re known for your quirky style. Tell us how you got into your love for fashion, and your love for cowboy boots.

My girlfriend will always say it is all her influence! But growing up down the road from Brighton I have been influenced by vintage shopping since I was 12. But the cowboy boots come from my love for classic rock, all the great rockstars from Led Zepplin to Lynyrd Skynyrd were wearing cowboy boots and if it is good enough for them. But maybe there is a bit of influence from my girlfriend too, but don’t tell her.

Quickfire questions:

App you couldn’t live without? Embarrassingly probably Instagram

Favourite pastime? Cooking and going to metal gigs

Guilty pleasure? All the fast and furious films and the music by Pitbull

Favourite holiday destination? My girlfriend and I just went to LA and Arizona and it blew my mind

Something your colleagues don’t know about you? I do actually work on a Friday

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