Enhance the quality of your citizen calls

IRIS Clarity removes all background noise on both ends of a call, driving faster resolutions for the citizens who need it most.
Play & toggle to try out

Subway Work Call



What is IRIS Clarity?

IRIS Clarity is a noise cancellation app that uses AI to remove noise from live, and recorded citizen calls - leaving only clear speech.

Available as an app or an SDK - IRIS Clarity helps local governments serve their citizens better, including the neurodiverse or hearing impaired - whilst helping to control budgets with lower AHT and headset costs.

Talk to our team

What are the benefits?

  • Reduction in noise cancelling infrastructure costs such as expensive headsets

  • Positive impact on your customer satisfaction and keeping your agents from feeling burnt out

  • Facilitating inclusivity for vulnerable citizens & sensitive conversations

Debbie Coveney, Head of Customer Services

Our staff were able to better engage with residents and put them at ease with such effective noise-cancellation.
Find out more

Better experiences for your citizens

Toggle IRIS Clarity off and on below to hear the difference you can make to your citizens’ calls.
Play & toggle to try out



  • Miscellaneous
  • Call centres
  • Specialist
Clarity Logo

Ready to bring IRIS Clarity to your citizen calls?

Get in touch with us using the form and a member of team will explore the best options for your council.