Enhance the quality of your citizen calls
Subway Work Call
What is IRIS Clarity?
IRIS Clarity is a noise cancellation app that uses AI to remove noise from live, and recorded citizen calls - leaving only clear speech.
Available as an app or an SDK - IRIS Clarity helps local governments serve their citizens better, including the neurodiverse or hearing impaired - whilst helping to control budgets with lower AHT and headset costs.
What are the benefits?
Reduction in noise cancelling infrastructure costs such as expensive headsets
Positive impact on your customer satisfaction and keeping your agents from feeling burnt out
Facilitating inclusivity for vulnerable citizens & sensitive conversations
Debbie Coveney, Head of Customer Services
Better experiences for your citizens
- Miscellaneous
- Call centres
- Specialist
Ready to bring IRIS Clarity to your citizen calls?
Get in touch with us using the form and a member of team will explore the best options for your council.